McClellan March
24 August 02
near Snoqualmie Pass
Need an excuse to stretch those legs between events? Here's your opportunity to reenact without really reenacting..
A march on a railroad grade is planned for 17 August 02. The distance depends upon you. The full march to the McClellan Butte Trail and back is 9.4 miles. This represents 4.7 miles up the grade and 4.7 miles down.
But, I cannot march that many miles uphill!
Yes, you can. Here are some untouched photos from my palm camera.
Although the route is uphill, this is a railroad grade. It is never steep and is almost unperceptable.
For the less inclined, it is perfectly okay to halt at the 4.7 mile distance as a parking lot is located a short distance away.
On 27 July 02, John Tylczak and I marched 6.9 miles uphill in less time than it took to walk the 6.9 miles downhill. Undoubtedly, the mountain blackberries, Salmon berries, and Red Cap berries were cause for us taking longer to go downhill. Much of the route we took was shaded and a gentle, cooling breeze was nearly constant. We each carried only one canteen. (There is no water on the trail.)
The route for the intended march has stunning views with several railroad bridges which can just be seen from I-90. This is a campaign march. Full packs, gear, and musket are the order of the day.
The march commences promptly at 0900 and should be completed by 1300. (This includes a half hour lunch stop.)
If you have no plans that morning, please join us. The primary parking location is 38 miles from downtown Seattle. Details on how to arrive at the starting point will be provided later. RSVP is required as we don't want to leave before expected people arrive.
Last updated 1 August 02 at 1915 hours.