The Mud Marchers
April 2002
Recreating a march of the Chattanooga Campaign
The below is the list of people who have preregistred for the march.
Campaigners are those who will be camping near the dam Friday night and marching Saturday morning.
Marchers are those who need to be shuttled Saturday morning to the site.
The Well-Fed are those who are preregistering for rations. This particular list is to assist the 125th Ohio in making plans. The ration limit at present is set at the first twenty people to preregister. The expected price is ten to fifteen dollars. More details about rations as they come.
Known Campaigners:
Silas, 44th Tennessee
Mark Terry, 44th Tennessee
Cpl. Henry Clay Moon, 44th Tennessee
Jed Dupre, 44th Tennessee
Donn Gallon, Professor, Norwich Cadets
Adam Carter, 125th Ohio
Kevin Saville, 125th Ohio
Aaron Gardner, 7th Tennessee
Keith Saathoff, 26th NCT
John Persinger, 76th Pennsylvania/Wheat's Tigers
Gretchen (Oscar) Morgan, 125th Ohio
Chad Teasley, 125th Ohio
David Pucci, presently serving on the USS Carl Vinson
Ted Miller, formerly of the 1st Arkansas
Al Farrand, 76th Pennsylvania/Wheat's Tigers
Johnny Joyce, US Marines Detatchment
Loren Womack, US Marines Detatchment
The Well-Fed
Although all of the below have indicated an interest in receiving rations at the event, only those who have sent funds to Kevin Saville will receive rations. Time is fast running out. The list of people who have actually paid is:
Chad Teasley, 125th Ohio
Jed Dupre, 44th Tennessee
M. Cook
John Persinger, 76th Pennsylvania
Adam Carter, 125th Ohio
Likely rations will be:1-1.5 lb. slab bacon per man, one day
1-1.5 lb. precooked ham per man, one day
soft bread or hardtack, issued each day
coffee and sugar on Friday
oats or grits or cornmeal, one day
beans or dry split peas, one day
carrots, onions, cabbage, spuds as available
cheese or other foraged goods
foraged or dry fruit
licorice or chocolateKevin Saville's address and phone is:
P.O. Box 2142
Everett WA 98203-0142
425/353-8013So, if your name is not on the above list and you think you're receiving rations, you're going to go hungry.
Address your questions to me, Silas. My message phone is 206/682-7566. Email messages are preferred over phone messages.
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