Rally to the Cause!

Join the Volunteers
at the
School of the Campaigner

All Soldiers, NCOs and Officers are requested to succor our troops already in the field by rallying at the Sportsmans Club on 25-26 March 1863.

Enlist Today!

By Authority of: Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson

General Bushrod R. Johnson, Commanding Johnson's Brigade, Army of Tennessee

Drill, Drill, and more Drill!

The WCWA School of the Soldier is designed to prepare new and veteran reenactors for the 2000 campaign season. There shall be instruction on Schools of the Soldier, Company, and Battalion. Also, there shall be instruction on skirmishing, fighting battles, bayonet drill, traveling light, period mess, living-history, and close-order fighting.

Bring forty rounds! Live musket firing also available. Live fire cannon demonstration.

How Much Marching?

Instruction begins at 0900 on 25 March and ends after 1400 on 26 March.

Raffle Saturday Night!

Due to popular demand, a raffle shall be again held in the gazebo Saturday eve.


Modern and period camping available for Saturday Night. No activities are planned for family members. As always, period dress required. Bring plenty of firewood because it is not being provided for you.

No evening meal will be provided on Saturday; however, meals may be purchased at the TSC grill during its regular business hours, or better yet, eat from your haversack.

Ah, What Price - Fame!

Pre-registration encouraged. Registration fee of $5.00 covers rental of the grounds and instruction materials. Camping is $3.00 extra per tent or camper per night. (Examples: one person in one shebang for two nights is $6.00. Two pards in one dog tent is $6.00. An entire company in one sibley tent for two nights is $6.00.)

Mail registration and fees to the WCWA, PO Box 3043, Arlington, WA 98223 and postmarked by 15 March 2000. If your registration cannot be sent by then, bring it to the event. Do not email your registrations or phone to state that you intend and/or your entire company intends to participate.

For additional information contact Mark (Silas) Tackitt at 206/682-7566. Leave a message on the main line. Emailed questions are preferred over phoned questions.

Cut and paste this form then mail to:

WCWA, P.O. Box 3043, Arlington WA 98223

I am a marching fool. Please register me. I am a member of: WCWA ______; NCWC ______; Other: ________. And my unit is the ________________.

Amount Enclosed is:

____________ $ 5.00 Registration Fee +

____________$ 3.00 Camping Fee per night per tent

____________ TOTAL FEES SENT


Name :_________________________________

Address ________________________________

City __________________________________ State ______ Zip _________


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Last updated 8 January 2003 at 2300 hrs.

This page hosted by Mark (Silas) Tackitt.