Silas' Library
of Links

You could spend hours in here and still not examine all the links

Outline of Links Found Below (click on hyperlink to view category):

General Articles
Reenacting Articles of Interest
       Articles about Drill
              Drill Manuals
       Military Signals
       Military Manuals
       Clothing and Equipment
              In General
              Knapsack/Blanket Rolls
Regimental Histories
Living History Links
       West Coast Reenacting Organizations
       Reenacting Units
Song Books
Reenacting News Sources
Discussion Groups
Some Better Sutlers and Suppliers

General Articles

Reenacting Articles of Interest

Fine Tuning Your Impression - by R. Denton

Duties of the First Sergeant - from Kautz's Customs of Service

Duties of the Sergeant Major - from Kautz's Customs of Service

Other Duties of Soldiers - From Kautz's Customs of Service

Manual of Arms for the 2d Wisconsin - by Mike Thorson - 33d Wisconsin

Manual of Arms for Infantry: A Re-examination: Part I by Geoff Walden & Dom Dal Bello (commences with Chapter I - Hardee's Revisions for Confederates)

Manual of Arms for Infantry: A Re-examination: Part II by Geoff Walden & Dom Dal Bello

Dress Parade & Reviews from the Capital Guards (6th Arkansas) Website

19th Century Guard Duty of the 21st Virginia

On Guard! A Primer for Civil War Military Security Duties - from the Capital Guards (6th Arkansas) Website

Right Shoulder Shift with Charge Bayonet? - from Mark (Silas) Tackitt

Rest, Rest, Rest, and Rest! or Don't let established reenacting practices interfere with period practices by Mark (Silas) Tackitt

Nearly all of the below links were copied from the excellent Drill Network page from the Liberty Greys (1st MD) of the 6th Battalion, Southern Legion, 1st Division, Army of Northern Virginia.

Outline of Basic Drill

NCO Manual

The Second Sergeant

6th Battalion Drill Guidelines

How to Study Hardee's School of the Battalion

Upton's Comparison

1891 Comparison

On Forming the Company


Drill Manuals

Manual of Arms for the Spencer Repeating Rifle by Capt. G.M. Barber, commanding 1st Batt'n Ohio Sharp-Shooters

The Volunteer's Manual by Lt.Col. Baxter (1861) - from the 2d Wisconsin - includes great illustrations of the musket drill

Another Baxter's Manual

U.S. Infantry Tactics - Silas Casey (1862) - School of the Soldier

Cooke's Cavalry Tactics (1862) or Regulations for the Instruction, Formations, and Movements of the Cavalry of the Army and Volunteers of the United States.

Cooper's Volunteer's Manual (1836), a Concise System of Instructions and Regulations for the Militia and Volunteers of the United States, comprehending the Exercises and Movements of the Infantry, Light Infantry, and Riflemen; Cavalry and Artillery: Together with the Manner of Doing Duty in Garrison and Camp, and the Forms of Parades, Reviews, and Inspections, as Established by Authority for the Government of the Regular Army. Prepared and Arranged by Brevet Capt. S. Cooper, Aid de Camp and Assistant Adjutant General

Gilham's Manual for Volunteers and Militia-

Another Gilham's Manual for Volunteers and Militia - a better page which includes illustrations

Hardee's Tactics (1855) - someone with too much time on their hands has been typing Hardee's onto the net

Scanned copy of the entire U.S. Infantry Tactics for the instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of the United States infantry, including infantry of the line, light infantry, and riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War department, and authorized and adopted by the secretary of war, May 1, 1861.

Hardee's Tactics (1862)

The Volunteer's Handbook (1861) Containing an Abridgement of Hardee's Infantry Tactics Adapted to the Use of the Precussion Musket in Squad and Company Exercies, Manual of Arms for Riflemen, and U.S. Army Regulations as to Parades, Reviews, Inspections, Guard Mounting, Etc. by James K. Lee, of the First Regiment of Virginia Volunteers

Mahan's Out-Post

McClellan's Bayonet Exercise

Digest of the U.S. Tactics for the Use of Officers (1862), prepared by Col. Wm. Steffen, of the Forty Fourth Mass. Regiment.

American Civil War Signals

Scanned copy of the entire Revised U.S. Army Regulations for 1861 with an appendix containing the changed and laws affecting Army regulations and Articles of war to June 25, 1863.

Scanned copy of the entire Scott's Military Dictionary comprising technical definitions; information on raising and keeping troops; actual service, including makeshifts and improved material

The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Link is to all of the volumes.

Click here for the Boolen Search page for the O.R.'s

Click here to browse the O.R.'s by each volume

The Campaigner's Coffee

Confederate Coffee Substitutes - period newspaper receipts about efforts to replicate the exilir of life

Extract of Coffee for the Army by Art Ayotte (Fugawee Corp)

The Value of a Little Research - Q & A's about dried beef during the war

No One Loves Me Like My Tomato Can - An article about traveling light

Menu for a Three-Day Event - another article from Charles Heath

Virtual Palmyra Post - Rations & Recipes

The CWi Civil War Cookbook

Trail Foods - this is from a mountain man page, but it has some excellent receipts

When Fod is in Season by Dave Rodgers of the Texas Ground Hornets

In General

Less is More by Mark (Silas) Tackitt

The Enfield in the Civil War - or - "To Blue or Not to Blue" by Geoff Walden

Western Confederate Uniform Guidelines - A great page from the Lazy Jacks

Confederate Uniforms of the Trans-Mississippi

Columbia Rifles Guide to Improving Your Federal Soldier Impression

A Study on the Wearing of Haversacks and Canteens by Christopher Alan Graham

The 1861 U.S. Uniform Regulations

Flat Fell Seam instructions

Oilcloth and Painted Accouterments from the Olathe Union Guard

Campaigner on a Budget from Jim Butler of the Salt River Rifles


Confederate "Columbus Depot" Jackets: The Material Evidence by Geoffrey R. Walden - one of the best reenacting articles published on the internet

A Survey of Confederate Central Government Quartermaster Issue Jackets - Part I by Leslie D. Jensen. Click here for part II, and click here for part III.

Confederate Buttons from the Lazy Jacks Mess

Patching Your Uniform by Dane Krogman

Original Civil War Uniforms - a great page from John Wedeward with photos of original sack coats, frock coats, shell jackets, overcoats, and trousers.

Original Federal Uniforms and Equipage from the 14th Connecticut's homepage

Which Federal Sack Coat? by K.C. MacDonald of the Lazy Jacks


General Order No. 60 re: Shelter Tent Dimensions date December 12, 1864 and corrected February 1, 1865 from The Arsenal, a serious CW sutler

Usage of Tents by Eric Mink, 4th VA at

Tenting Tonight - The Confederate Infantryman in Camp on Campaign by K.C. MacDonald of the Lazy Jacks Mess

Shelter Tents for the Confederate Impression by Pvt. R. Gregory as written in the September 2000 Newsletter for the 21st Virginia

The Bridgeman Shelter Tent by Scott Cross
Notes on an original shelter-half in the Wisconsin's Veteran's Museum Collection

The Heywood Shelter Half - it's really an advertisement, but it has informationabout original shelters not otherwise available

Shred the Tents and Burn the Wagons: how tents ruin reenactor credibility by Mark (Silas) Tackitt - this is the actual article submitted to Camp Chase Gazette which they edited, renamed and published in the March, 2001 issue as "Shed the tents and forget the wagons."

The Soldier's Shelter Tent as Used by the French from John Wedeward

Encampment and Shelter from Jim Butler of the Salt River Rifles


Other Uses for the Canteen - from Si Klegg and his Pard, Shorty

Canteens of the ANV by Eric Mink, 4th VA at

Canteen Covers by Chris Sullivan, Stony Brook Company

Knapsack/Blanket Rolls

Knapsack and Haversack Packing 101 by Kevin O'Beirne on the Columbia Rifles Webpage

The Lowly Blanket Roll by Michael Murley on the Columbia Rifles Webpage


Poke Sacks 101 from the Georgia Volunteer Battalion Webpage

Making your own Haversack from the 16th NCT page


Step by Step Preparation of Cartridges (with pictures) - from the 14th Tennessee's webpage

Making Realistic .58 Caliber Ball Ammunition from The Stragglers Webpage

How to Make .69 Caliber Cartidges (Real and Realistic) from the Capital Guards (6th Arkansas)

Civil War Field Fortifications. It's not an article, but its an extensive webpage devoted to fortifications

The Federal Forts at Petersburg by Mark Terry

Pictures from the Roslyn event taken by the Far from Home movie makers.

Converts Sought from the Heathen - by Old Soldier

How to Complete Properly a Morning Report - from the Breckinridge Battalion webpage - in PDF format.

Period Labels for Tins, Bottles, and et cetera from the 14th Tennessee webpage

Flags of the Confederacy

Military Maps and Campaigns

Military Maps by State

Regimental Histories

Union Regimental Information from Dyer's Compendium

Directory of Union Regimental Histories (Confederate Histories also linked from this page)

Living History Links

National Civil War Association (NCWA) - in California
Northwest Civil War Council (NCWC) in Northern Oregon
Reenactors of the American Civil War (RACW) - in Northern California
West Coast Civil War Reenactment Calendar
The Civil War Home Page
Washington Civil War Association - the official club page

3rd Regt. Confederate Engineers, Co. E
4th Texas' (NCWC) Rebel Yell Home Page
6th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, Company G
9th Virginia Cavalry
11th Texas Cavalry, Co. B
14th Tennessee (NCWA)
56th Pennsylvania

Magruder/Ewell S.C.V. camp
12th Virginia's extensive links page

Song Books

Texas Ground Hornets Songbook

Reenacting News Sources

Discussion Groups

Some Better Sutlers and Suppliers
Although I've kept this page free of endorsements, I've included links to these sutlers because it's easier to link them than to search for them every time I have a need to look at kewl stuff to purchase.


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Last updated 4 May 03 at 1100 hrs.

This page hosted by Mark (Silas) Tackitt. Email him here.