Safety Questionnaire
1. All questions must be answered.
2. Questionnaire must be 100% correct before participation is allowed.
3. Return Questionnaire to Company Commander
City:______________________ State:______ Zip:_______
Age:____________Sponsor (if minor):____________________________________________
Test Checked
1. Open fires shall not be built closer
than ________ from the nearest tents.
A. 50 feet B. 25 feet
C. 6 feet D. 2 feet
2. Discharge of weapons is prohibited within _______ feet
of the powder magazines.
A. 25 feet B. 50 feet
C. 2 feet D. 6 feet
3. What may not be carried on Night Watch at events?
A. lanterns B. weapons
C. tent pegs D. answers to the Safety Test
4. No person under the age of _______ years may
participate in a battle scenario on or off the battlefield.
A. 12 years if unarmed B. 14 years if unarmed
C. 16 years if unarmed D. 18 years if unarmed
5. All members of a reenactment unit must acquaint
themselves with:
A. where to buy black powder B. what size of musket caps to get
C. field surgery D. safety regulations
6. When are open flames or smoking prohibited?
A. when talking to women in hoop skirts, rolling cartridge tubes,
being prepared for the hospital scenarios and within 50' of any
cavalry horses
B. when handling black powder, after battle muster, during
battle, after battle until weapons cleaned, around ammo boxes or
chests and within 25' of caissons
C. when baking hardtack, demonstrating weaving techniques,
after 9 PM at night and on any day when it rains more than 1 inch
per hour
D. when making ammo boxes, after battle when the weapons have
been cleaned, at Church, and within 25' of any cavalry horse
7. What action will take place if you are found under the
influence of drugs or alcohol?
A. banishment from the W.C.W.A.
B. immediate suspension from all event activities
C. nothing
D. whatever is decided by your company commander
8. What action will most likely take place if you are
found in possession of illegal drugs?
A. immediate banishment from the WCWA
B. immediate suspension from all event activities
C. immediate arrest and conviction
D. immediate slap on the wrist
9. Who has the authority to authorize the firing of a
A. the nearest corporal B. anyone
C. your company commander D. you do
10. When must Colors or Standards be given up?
A. whenever the bearer is killed or captured B. whenever they are
dropped to the ground
C. whenever you are asked to do so D. whenever you cannot run
11. When are fireworks allowed at events?
A. they are allowed with permission B. they are not allowed
12. What is the first priority of the WCWA?
A. cars in camp B. women in uniform
C. unmounted cavalry D. safety
13. The cry "MEDIC" is to be used:
A. when you are pretending to be wounded B. when the surgeon is
C. when on the battle field only D. when a real medical emergency
14. Cap firing is allowed:
A. in a designated capping area B. wherever is convenient
C. only in military camp D. only on Saturday mornings
15. Weapons will be inspected:
A. at the end of each battle
B. in the morning of each day of an event before the first battle
C. before coming to an event
D. in the evening at the end of the event after the last battle
16. The minimum distance for firing towards opposing
troops is:
A. 100 feet B. 75 feet C. 50 feet D. 30 feet
17. The maximum powder charge for muskets is:
A. .69 cal.=90 grains, .58 ca.=85 grains, .54 cal.=70 grains, 50
cal.=60 grains, .45 cal.=55 grains
B. .69 cal.=120 grains, .58 ca.=90 grains, .54 cal.=85 grains, 50
cal.=70 grains, .45 cal.=70 grains
C. .69 cal.=80 grains, .58 ca.=70 grains, .54 cal.=70 grains, .50
cal.=60 grains, .45 cal.=50 grains
D. .69 cal.=65 grains, .58 ca.=50 grains, .54 cal.=45 grains, 50
cal.=35 grains, .45 cal.=25 grains
18. Longarms use ___________ grade of powder.
A. FFg or FFFg B. Fg or smaller
C. it doesn't matter D. smokeless
19. When may ramrods be drawn during battle?
A. always B. never
20. Firing from a prone position is allowed:
A. if choreographed and with company and brigade commander
B. if it looks good to the audience
C. if your 2nd sergeant tells you to
D. if the weather is good
21. What types of powder are forbidden in the WCWA?
A. Cream of Wheat B. Puffed Rice
C. Granulated Sugar D. Pyrodex and other smokeless powders
22. "Cease Fire" may be yelled by:
A. company commanders only B. battalion commander only
C. anyone with rank of sergeant or above D. anyone who sees an
unsafe act
or condition
23. Hand-to-hand combat is permitted:
A. only if close to the audience
B. only if at least 300 feet from the audience
C. only if choreographed, rehearsed in advance and okayed by both
brigade commanders
D. only if your 2nd sergeant tells you to
24. Combatants may not advance for Hand to Hand combat:
A. if their weapons are loaded B. if their weapons are not loaded
C. if their dance card isn't signed D. unless they hear
"Simon Says" first
25. What kinds of weapons are allowed to use FFFFg
A. pistols B. carbines C. 2 band rifles D. all weapons
26. If your loaded weapon misfires 3 times on the
A. reload and try again B. dump the powder and become a casualty
C. reload and recap the musket D. ask your sergeant to trade
27. When you "cap off" your weapon, what do you
look for?
A. that the gasses from the rifle barrel cause grass to move in
the blast
B. that there are no percussion caps on the rifled musket
C. that your weapon is not loaded
D. that the gaseous emissions from the rifle barrel do not cause
with the EPA
28. When can you carry powder flasks on your person?
A. only at backcountry events and only for loading pistols
B. never
C. when you are allowed to carry a pistol
D. only if your 2nd sergeant tells you it is acceptable
29. Who has ULTIMATE responsibility for your safety at
WCWA events?
A. your parents do
B. the President
C. you do
D. your unit commander
30. Mounted riders can fire at no less than what angle
off their horses?
A. 30º from horse's ears B. 60º from horse's ears
C. 90º from horse's ears D. 120º from horse's ears
31. What is inspected on mounted cavalry?
A. all hooves, weapons and horse tack B. all moving parts
C. eyes, ears and noses of all participants D. the teeth for
32. What do a new horse and rider have to do before they
can participate in battles?
A. be checked for scurvy and rickets
B. be tested for reaction to battle activities prior to battle
C. show knowledge of proper artillery drill
D. demonstrate knowledge of hand signals for turns and stops
33. Are stallions allowed to participate at WCWA events?
A. stallions are actively encouraged
B. mares and geldings are allowed, stallions may not participate
C. only mares are allowed on the battle field
D. mares and geldings are strongly encouraged, stallions
participate if
the battalion commander okays it
34. Should a horse be tied by the reins?
A. yes B. no
C. maybe, maybe not D. it's
hard to say
35. Mounted riders must slow to a walk on the battlefield
for what reasons?
A. wherever soldiers are casualties on the battle field
B. whenever horses are tired
C. whenever the terrain requires it
D. whenever artillery crew members are within 100 feet
36. What should participants do when a horse is loose on
the battlefield?
A. block its escape route
B. call the Humane Society
C. ignore it and continue the battle no matter what
D. they should not approach a loose horse unless instructed by
cavalry troopers
37. Sabers can be drawn by mounted riders during a
A. when battle is about to begin B. when the spectators can watch
C. never D. only when ordered by company commander
38. Link straps are attached to:
A. the curbstone B.
the saddle C. the halter
D. the martingale
39. Mounted riders should stay ______ from
artillery crews and infantry troops.
A. 10 foot intervals
B. 20 foot intervals
C. 30 foot intervals
D. 40 foot intervals
40. The minimum number of crewmen needed to work one
muzzleloading cannon is:
A.2 B.4 C.6
41. An ammunition box must be kept at least ______ feet
from any spectator.
A.15 B.25 C.35 D.45
42. An artillery piece must have this documentation
before being allowed to participate.
A. a certification of inspection B. an
emissions certification
C. Coggins Papers D. EPA Statement
43. The safety boundary of a cannon is _____ feet.
A.75 B.65 C.55
44. Ammunition boxes must have what type of lid?
A. wooden B. leather
covered C. self-closing
D. wooden with brass
45. You can recognize ground charges because:
A. you can't see them, they are completely hidden
B. they look like cans buried in the ground with flour covered by
plastic wrap
C. they have red flags on 4 foot poles by each one
D. they are at the bottom of a 2 foot depression
46. Powder charges must be carried from the ammunition
box to the cannon in:
A. a leather haversack B. a plastic garbage bag
C. a jean cloth haversack D. bare hands only
47. The safety distance from a ground charge is ______
A.2 B.5 C.20
48. An ammunition box must be placed at least ______ feet
from its associated cannon.
A. 5 B. 15 C. 25
D. 35
49. Ground charges are placed by:
A. the Fife and Drum Corps B. the Marine Corps
C. the U.S. and Confederate battalion staff D.
the Engineer Corps
50. What shall be cleaned at the end of every day?
A. all weapons B. all horses
C. all cars D. all tents
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